
DIY: Nail polish organisation.

For me, finding somewhere to store my nail polishes has been difficult. I live between my family home and my uni home throughout the year, so I needed a storage solution which can be used as a travel case for them too. They live in my uni room most of the time, but in the summer, they need to be travelled back to my family home. The case I store them in is from ebay. It is a metal box which has a lock on it. I bought this case a long time ago so I doubt that it is still avaliable. Sorry! But I am sure you could get something similar on ebay if you search for metal vanity cases.

After I put all my polishes in colour order and in the box, I realised that I couldn't see what each colour was. So, to make it easier for picking the right nail polish, I came up with this great organisation solution.

What you will need
- Nail Polishes
- White self adhesive labels
- Hole Puncher

1. Using the sticky labels, paint a swatch of each colour onto the label. Make sure the swatch is big enough for the hole punch.

2. Take the back off the hole punch so that the small circle sticker falls onto the ground.

3. Peel away the sticker and stick the swatch onto the top of the polish bottle.

4. Continue until all polishes have been swatched.

And volia! I now can see all my polish colours and they are travel safe in this sturdy box. Once I have moved into my student house at the end of the year, I might consider a different storage & organisation, but for now, it works perfectly.

Hope this has helped any of you if you are stuck with the storage/organisation of your nail polishes.

Tomorrow's post is my nail polish collection, which is in video form! 
So come back tomorrow, so you can see everything this case holds!


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  1. That's a great idea, I'm always messing up my nail varnish drawer searching for the right one so I might give it a try!

    Hellbent for Lipstick
