
Life Chat - Creativity #BEDA

Today, I felt like doing a chatty style post, and this has been on my to-do list (blog-wise) for a while, so here it goes.

Recently, over the past half a year to a year, I have felt like I had run out a creativity and ideas for my design work. I used to have such amazing ideas & really liked to push boundaries, with my own personal spin too. But I just felt a little lost during my second year, and made good clothing, but it wasn't my style, it was really commercial. I hadn't really realised this until I looked at my foundation work, and I spoke to one of my best friends, who I did my foundation course with. She made me realise that I had lost my spark with my work. This terrified me, as I am about to go into my final (& most important) year of my fashion design degree. 
So, I decided to try and find that missing piece of creativity, that spark, by re-inspiring myself. I needed to explore who I was as a designer, and what I wanted to say through my work. I needed to explore the world again, but through a designer/artist eyes. 
My work used to be fashion, but slightly fine art based too, which is something I want to get back in my work. So, I took a trip to London, and visited the V&A for the Alexander McQueen exhibition. This was such a great place to give me that inital spark of creativity and imagination again for my work. He was and still is my idol, so being able to see his work up-close, inspired me more than a picture would of.
I wouldn't say I am fully back to the way I was back in my foundation course, but I am getting there. I just need to surround myself with inspiration and take more risks with my work. 
I just need to find that hidden passion for my work, that I know I still have somewhere.

Have any of you guys ever felt this way about your design/art work?
Leave me comments on how you go over it.


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