Life Update - Why I've been away...

MA Final Collection - #GIRLGANG

Since I haven't posting anything for over a year, I thought I should fill you in on what has been going on in my life.

When I was writing a lot of the last posts on this blog, I was feeling very uninspired, and I just wasn't myself. This was because I was still grieving from the passing of my father in September 2016. I was trying so hard to just carry on with life, not realising that I wasn't letting myself grieve properly. So, I stopped writing this blog, and made the decision to put myself & my family first, and then to apply for a Masters course (Fashion & Textiles MA at De Montfort University).

The Masters course has been the turning point for me, over the past year. It has helped me to become myself again, and has given me the confidence the believe in my design work, after my father passing in the same week as my BA graduation.
Throughout my MA course, I have explored working with faux fur and have taken business modules, so I could learn how to start my own fashion brand. This is what I am trying to start, now I have finished my MA. 

So, that's it really. I mostly took the blog break to grieve, spend time with my family and to complete my Masters course. I feel ready to come back to my blog now - which had felt like a chore not a hobby - with so much enthusiasm and ideas. 

If you want to see more of my MA work, look at my website, or design Instagram @sf_fashiondesign. I have included images of my final collection within this post too. 

See you guys on Sunday!

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