Fashion Chat: "I can't find anything to wear!" #BEDA

You have a full wardrobe, yet you can't find anything to wear.
We've all been there.
For me, this happens every couple of months, normally around the time I am wanting to try new trends/reinvent my style. So, when this does happen, I have a few things I do to help re-inspire my style & wardrobe.

Out with the old, before you buy anything new.

Firstly, I go through my clothing, accessories & shoes, to see what I still like and don't like. I give away to charity anything I don't like anymore/haven't worn for over a year. This gives you space for new things, but can also help you find items of clothing you may have forgotten about. Looking through your wardrobe can spark ideas of what key pieces you might want to buy, that will go with pieces that are already in your closet. 

Instagram, Pinterest, Fashion Magazines, Blogs, Chic Feed...

Before I go anywhere near online shops or go shopping in town, I like to get outfit/wardrobe inspiration from many different sources. Following different brands/bloggers on Instagram/Pinterest/their own blogs, can provide you with tons of outfit inspiration and can help you see what is currently in the shops/on trend. Fashion Magazines, like Vogue, are also useful with wardrobe inspiration. I like to take photos on my phone of magazine pages that inspire me, for when I am out shopping. One of my favourite inspiration sources is the app Chic Feed. It collates different bloggers outfits from different websites, so that you can just flick through. I screenshot ones that I like for future references. 

Online window shopping

Now I have been inspired and got ideas of pieces I need in my wardrobe, I start to look online for them. This way, I know what is avaliable in what stores, and what is only online. At this point, I still don't buy anything, but I either bookmark it on my laptop, or put it in the 'Save for Later' basket on the website. This way, I don't lose the item if I come back to purchase it later. 

Time to shop

After looking online, I go shopping! I keep in mind all the items I found online, but also still browse each shop fully. I try to only purchase the pieces I need, but sometimes this can be difficult. With everything I pick up, I try to put together different outfits in my head, with things that I know I already own. When shopping for clothing, I would alway recommend trying things on, before buying them. Sometimes, clothing can look completely different on a hanger, than on a person. Once I have been shopping, I go over what I have purchased to see if there was anything missing from my original list. If there is, I then go shopping online properly. 

"But I have no money to go shopping!"

As a student, I know that you can't always afford to go shopping, everytime you feel like you have nothing to wear. So, I still look for inspiration online and see how I could 're-create' those outfits with things I already own. Re-styling pieces from your wardrobe can help you to fall in love with them again, therefore not needing to spend any money. Another tip is to swap clothing you don't like, with a friend that is a similar size. If you both do a clear out and go through each others piles of clothes etc, you might find something that you like from their wardrobe that they don't want anymore. You could end up finding pieces for your wardrobe that you have always wanted!

Those were my top tips for re-inspiring your wardrobe, for when you feel like you have "nothing to wear".

What are your tips for when you are stuck in a style rut?


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