Guess whos back, back again...

Hey guys, I'm back!

I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged for such a long time, but uni work/life took over. Plus, I felt that my blog schedule and layout/look need to change, and I had no time to do it, whilst doing uni work. But I am back, with a new layout/look and schedule. I used to blog every weekday, but that is going to be too hard to manage during my final year of University. So, I have decided to blog every other day, which will be so much easier for me and the content will be better, as I will have more time to spend on each post. I think I will be posting on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays/Sundays, for now on.

Anyway, I thought that I would catch you up slightly of what has been going on since I last posted. Firstly, I turned 21! Ahhhh! I'm officially an adult! I have some photos on my instagram (link in sidebar) from my night out and from my family meal, if you would like to have a nosey at them. 
I have also finished all my uni work for 2nd year! Again, I post photos occasionally on my instagram of my fashion design work, so if that interests you, then check it out. Actually, if you truly want to see more updates from me, then my instagram is the place you need to be. 
I swear I am an instagram addict! 
More things have probably happened but I just can't think right now! Haha! But I am glad to be back blogging and I can't wait for you to read the up-and-coming posts!

See you on Wednesday!


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