
Half 'n' Half - New hair.

Ahhhh! I had my hair done this weekend! 
I came home from uni on Thursday afternoon and I am going back on Sunday evening. It's been lovely so far! I have seen lots of my family and spent time with my puppy boy! 
On Friday, I had my hair done! It needed to be done so badly and I am so thrilled with it! I decided to have a pointed full fringe back in for winter and a zig-zag middle parting. Colour-wise, I decided to try out the half & half look. One side of my hair is red, whilst the other side is a purple/brown. I am slightly in love with it! I have my hair done by a stylist called Michelle, who works for Regis hair salon, Leicester Highstreet branch. So without further ado, here are the photos of my new hair!

I hope you guys like it or that it even gave you ideas for your hair!

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  1. I love that style of fringe! Looks lovely :-) xxx

