
10 Days of Halloween 2018 - Knife Eyeliner

Today's look is a super simple knife eyeliner makeup. I got the inspiration for this eyeliner from Pinterest & Instagram, so let me know who originated this idea, so I can credit them. This look is perfect for people who need a last minute Halloween look, or who want to be a little bit spooky during the actual day of Halloween. 

You don't have to copy this look exactly, but I do hope you find inspiration from the products I have chosen & the look I have created, especially the accessories.

And just to clarify, I am not a makeup professional, but I do enjoy experimenting with makeup.

This look looks like it might be a little difficult, but it is super simple. Just apply your normal base routine, eyebrows and a red lip (Or any lip colour you want). Then for the eyes, set the eye primer with a bone coloured shadow, and then blend a grey/brown eyeshadow through the crease. Using a black liquid liner, draw on the knife shape. I don't really know how to explain it! Then, using a silver shadow, go over the main part of the knife, leaving a black outline. On the handle, add two white dots with liquid liner. To finish, add mascara, red pencil on the lower waterline and red eyeshadow. If you want to, you could add lashes. 


I hope you liked this simple makeup look, which is perfect for wearing during the Halloween day or for a last minute costume. 

What are you going as for Halloween?

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