
Plans & Goals for 2016

Goodbye 2015. 
You had good and bad moments, but I am ready for a fresh start, and to create even more memories.

I really love the 'fresh start' vibe that comes with a new year, as it gives me the opportunity to set goals and plan out the year ahead. I have so many exciting plans for this coming year and other personal goals I would like to achieve, that I thought I would share some of them with you all.

One - Completing my final year of university & Graduation

Yes, 2016 is the year I graduate from university, and finally become a "proper adult". It is so bizarre to think that I am going to be graduating this year, and that I will be showing my collection on a catwalk, in May. Going to university has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I can't believe it ends this year. For this year, I just want to create the best collection I can, and work hard on completing all of my uni work to the best of my ability, so that I graduate with the best grade I know I could achieve. 

Two - Blogging (& maybe Youtube?!?)

Blogging is something I fell in and out of love with, during 2015. In 2016, I want to put 100% more effort into this blog, as I would love for it to grow with me, when I leave university & start my own brand of clothing. I would love for my blog to become a part of my future fashion design career, so I want to start by refreshing the blog design, and creating more content that has more of my personality into it. That's where the Youtube element comes into play. Once I have completed my degree, I would love to give Youtube a proper go, to coincide with this blog (and any other websites I may have in the future). I have dabbled with it in the past, but I am seriously interested in starting a proper youtube channel, for this blog & my fashion brand/label. That is one of my main goals for this coming year.

Three - Driving

I have never learnt to drive, which is something I would love to change this year. I am going to be 22 in March, and I feel like it is time for me to finally learn to drive. It's never been a huge deal for me in the past, but with my Dad being sick (my Mum has never learnt herself), I feel like it would be beneficial for me to pass my test now. Also, I would like to travel the UK more, to visit friends who have moved away from my hometown and to just explore more cities. 

Four - Improve my health

Now, I am not going to be changing tons to improve my health, but I know I need to do something. My main goal is to lower my blood pressure. I have naturally high blood pressure because of my kidney problems, so I would like to try and lower it this year. This means I have to start to eat three meals a day (not just one or two!), have less salt and exercise more. I have already started this, but I know I just need to try and continue it, even when I am drowning in university work. That is always my downfall. When I am stressed and deadlines are approaching, I tend to forget to eat proper meals and just snack on rubbish food. But I am determined to lower my blood pressure this year, and to just feel healthier within myself.

And those are just some of my goals/plans for 2016.
Let me know what your plans & goals for 2016 are, as I would love to know.
Happy New Year to you all!


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