

It feels so long since I last wrote a post and I am so sorry that it has been so long! I have been super busy with university and other parts of my life, which meant that I had to take a break from blogging. 
But I am back! And with a new schedule, which will continue throughout my second year of uni, as I am going to make blogging a bigger importance in my life. 
I have truly missed blogging so I am happy to be back, starting tomorrow. 

My new schedule
Monday - Beauty Monday
Tuesday - Tag/Tell-all Tuesday
Wednesday - Wishlist Wednesday
Thursday - Lifestyle Thursday
Friday - Fashion Friday

Beauty Monday - Beauty reviews, FOTDs etc
Tag/Tell-all Tuesday - The day where I do tags/have a chat with you all
Wishlist Wednesday - Different beauty/fashion wishlists
Lifestyle Thursday - DIYs, recipies etc
Fashion Friday - OOTDs and other fashion posts

So, with a new schedule and a new blog look (which I am still working on), I am back and hopefully, on better form!


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