
Tour of my University room & En-suite!

As you may already know, at the end of September I moved to Lincoln to go to university. I moved into off-campus halls, into a flat with 4 other people, who I didn't know before I came to Lincoln. I really like my flatmates as they all do art-based courses like me. Unfortunately, one of my flatmates has moved out because he got offered a graphic design job, which was quite upsetting for us all. 
Anyway, I thought that I would do a room tour for you. I am already thinking about doing a post in the summer next year, about what items you should take to uni for freshers, as it can be quite a confusing time. 
Right, here is my room tour video and photos. 
If there is anything you would like to know about some of the items in my room (ie: where they are from), then leave a comment. 
Hope you enjoy the video!


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  1. Love your room! I've just uploaded a tour of my own uni room too:http://marisajade.blogspot.co.uk
