
I have arrived at uni!

I am really sorry that I haven't posted anything for a few days, I have been finishing packing and moving to uni! I am currently typing this on my first night in my new room! I am at University of Lincoln and I am about to start my three year degree course of Fashion Studies. I just thought that I should update you about my current life situation. Moving to uni is a strange experience. I didn't want to leave my dog this morning and started crying. I then cried when my mum & cousin left. I have never move out before or even moved house with my family, so this move was emotional for everyone. Currently trying to make my room my own so there will be a blog post coming soon about my uni room. On a side note, I have created a separate blog, which I am going to be recording my course on. The link is on the side. 
Right, before I start to cry again, I am going to end this here. 

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