25 Facts about me!
Right, I had a little time off from posting but I am back with lots of blog posts ready to be posted.
I thought that it's about time that you got to know me a bit better so here is my 25 facts about me!
Fact 1
I change my hairstyle/colour regularly. I have used every colour you can think of in my hair. If you would like to a timeline of my different haircuts/colours, then leave a comment saying so.
Fact 2
I have two tattoos and plans for about 6 more.
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Heart on my ankle. Had it done for my 16th birthday. |
Charm bracelet around my wrist. |
Recently had it done. |
Fact 3
I love black tea with lots of sugar. My perfect cup of tea is strong, no milk and three sugars.
Fact 4
In september, I am moving to Lincoln for University. I am going to be studying Fashion design.
Fact 5
I am OCD about certain things. My nail polishes are in colour order, my shoes are in height order, my DVD's are in genre then alphabetical order and my CD's are in alphabetical order. I think it stems from my brother and sister borrowing my things without asking. With things being in order, I can see what is missing and see if people have borrowed things because they are never put back in the right place. Just realised how mental that sounds!
Fact 6
I have a sister, a brother, a sister-in-law and a niece. My brother is the eldest at 30, married and has a daughter. My sister is 26 which makes me the baby of the family. I get on with both of my siblings now, but when I was younger, I got on with my brother more than my sister. This is probably because my sister and I shared a room and we have completely different personalities.
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L-R: My sister, my brother, sister-in-law and me. Taken in 2009. |
Fact 7
I have a dalmatian obsession! I have been obsessed with dalmatians ever since I was five years old. I have collected statues, stuffed toys and everything else that has anything to do with dalmatians. I even had a dalmatian print fur coat! I am still obsessed with dalmatians, so in 2010, my parents bought me a dalmatian puppy! He is now three years old and still is the best thing I have ever been given. I have recently done a post all about him/his 3rd birthday. If you would like me to do a post about dalmatians or more posts about Wizard, then leave a comment.
Fact 8
I am a massive Harry Potter geek! I even read fanfiction and reblog edits on tumblr etc. My otp is Dramione, which is Draco and Hermione. I am even a little obsessed with Tom Felton (actor who played Draco). I say a little but my friends would say that I am in love with him. But who wouldn't be in love with him!
Just look at him!
Fact 9
Another thing I love to read is autobiographies. My favourites are the two Russell Brand autobiographies and the Gok Wan one. Russell Brand's books are my favourite books of all time, apart from the Harry Potter ones. I have read those two autobiographies about 30-something time combined.
Fact 10
My favourite genres of films are horror, comedy and musicals. I have lots of favourite films but I think one of my main favourites is The Rocky Horror Picture show.
Fact 11
I still live with my parents until September when I move into halls in Lincoln. My parents are still married and have been married for 32 years. There marriage is something I aspire to have.
Fact 12
I have many different friendship groups from school, college and my foundation uni year, but I have one best friend that has been around since we were toddlers. I can't imagine my life without her. Love my wifey, Shante <3
Fact 13
The first CD I ever bought was Witch Doctor by Cartoons. It's the most annoying song ever but I loved when I was about 5. Here's a link to the music video/song if you have never heard of it.
Fact 14
When I was about 3/4 maybe even a little younger, I thought that my name was Shannon And Furniss, not Shannon Anne Furniss. Easy mistake to make, right? Let's just say that some people will never let me forget about it.
Fact 15
Another fact about my name is my nickname that my family called me and still do. My family nickname was Shanney-annie, or even Shanney-annie- fanny. Such a lovely family :/
Fact 16
I was a very imaginative child. I didn't have a imaginary friends, I had an imaginary farm/zoo in my backgarden. Even more than that, I used to have an imaginary dalmatian that I used to pretend to walk to the shops etc. I even used to make family/family friends stand outside shops with my pretend dog, if there was nowhere to tie it to.
Fact 17
I used to do Irish dancing and modern dancing. I enjoyed both but took Irish dancing further. I used to go to Irish dancing competitions and won about 20-something medals, a plaque and 4 trophies. I gave up when I went to secondary school.
Fact 18
I also used to be a part of my primary school choir. I loved singing and still do. I'm not that great but it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy singing.
Fact 19
I was always having days off from school because I had to go hospital a lot. I have a scarred kidney which means that my kidneys work 60%:40% instead of 50%:50%. I have been in and out of hospital all my life because I have to be monitored for high blood pressure and kidney function. I will always have to monitored especially when I become pregnant, because of my blood pressure.
Fact 20
A lot of my friends will agree with this, I am a very pessimistic/realistic person. I hate it when people are constantly happy, like smiling 24/7 because that seems really fake to me.
Fact 21
I have a major phobia of heights. Escalators and lifts that you can see out of scare the shit out of me. I can't even go on rollercoasters.
Fact 22
My birthday is the 23rd of March. I was born in 1994.
Fact 23
My favourite colour is black.
Fact 24
My Favourite seasons are Spring and Autumn. I hate being really hot and really cold. I get really irritated when I am too hot and I moan a lot when I am really cold. I hate being sweaty and I hate the snow, so spring and autumn are perfect for me.
Fact 25
I am an argumentative and stubborn person. I like to be right and organised/taking control. I will continue to argue even if I realise that I am wrong. I like to have the last word in an argument.
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Right, I have bared all to you. So here is a natural photo of me. No makeup and non-straightened hair. |
Well, I hope you enjoyed getting to know me. If you would like me to make another one of these 'facts about me' posts, then leave me a comment. You can even leave me suggestions for future blog posts.